Friday, May 27, 2011

A Day in the Life

So here I am, blogging.
What shall I say.  Well, the last couple months have been a whirlwind of chaos.  From the babies being able to run, Luis going TDY every so often, and ofcourse my dogs eating everything in sight. 
Hailey and Juliet are doing great, adding to their vocab each day!  Being 19 mo old is hard sometimes.  They love to swim and play, and especially swing.  They keep me so busy!
On a break from school, got classes in a couple weeks, I have 4 more classes then I get my 2nd bachelors degree, thats planned for November :)
After that the kids go to school and I go back to work.  Looking for a position in a company that can offer ME perks...thinking of the airlines, gotta love those buddy passes. 
Luis is doing well, loves his job.  He just got back from a military funded trip to Orlando, where he got to surprise his Mom and Grandma, whom we havent seen in a while.  Well, not too long left, we are having the kids 2nd birthday in Orlando, probably at our timeshare. 
Well...thats all for now, I am sure there is a load of laundry waiting to be switched or folded, there is definatly a dish to be washed, and a floor to be swept.  My day never ends.  Till the next time i get a wild hair I will blog again, its kinda fun:)