Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The end of our journey as 2

Once we got back from vacation our lves were bombarded with doctor visits and hospital stays. I was admitted for preterm labor on August 4, 20009.  My contractions were about 5 minutes apart and things inside werent staying where they should be.  I stayed overnight, the doctors were able to stop the contractions and they ordered moderate bedrest for the durration of the pregnancy. Who, really, can tolerate bed rest 100 percent of the time?   

Finally on Oct 6 2009 I went in for a routine appt and the doctors found that I was dilated to 1 cm three hours later they "checked me" and I was a 3 (10 being the ultimate goal). I was admitted, yay another lovely stay in the hospital that had a total of 10 channels, 2 in spanish! The doctors diagnosed me with preeclampsia, which through my blood pressure and sugars through the roof, this meant that I wasnt going to be leaving the hospital without having these twins. Theres nothing that one could to to stop preeclamsia from coming, there was not anything special that I could have done to prevent this, and the only cure is to have the babies.  The doctors decided to put me on magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions for another round of steroids to boost the lung development for the twins. I had black and blues all over my arms due to the number of people who don’t know how to draw blood or administer an IV. On Mag, I was unable to eat, drink, or be mobile and it made my body feel like the worse hangover I had ever had. I was allowed to have a tablespoon of ice chips ONCE per hour. All through Tuesday and Wednesday my cervix hadn’t dilated anymore, so then the doctors decided to start a pitocin drip. So I was put on medication to stop the contractions and a medicine to start contractions. What a day, I felt like even more like poo, so I got an epidural! Finally I had dilated to a 5, didn’t feel a thing throughout the night. Through Wednesday night, still no change to my cervix. On Thursday the pain was increasing, Luis had to go to work to check in, so Lindsey came and sat with me for a couple hours. The anistheologist came back in a couple times to up the medication, to bolster the injections, and to give me a button to push. This is when I experianced the most pain of my life.  My husband had to adhear to his military duties and I was in labor.  Finally Luis came back, the doctor checked me again, I was a 10! OMG. People were scrambling around, getting Luis scrubs, taking out the medication going in to my already sore arms, and preparing to take me to the operating room. I hardly remember the trip to the OR. When we got there I was put in positions that I didn’t know my body could be in! With more pain medication we started to push. I could feel a lot of pressure, but again, no pain. Finally, I think, after 5 or 6 three count pushes Hailey finally found her way in to the world at 520pm on October 8, 2009. Then the nightmare began. I remember feeling panicked, I remember the doctors whispering and conversing with one another, I remember the panic in the doctors eyes, they were very careful about what they said and how loud they said it. Juliet had turned around. Her head, had been down the entire time, but once her sister came out she turned. It took 3 doctors reaching up inside to grab her feet and pull her loose. Finally Dr. Faucett (head of maternal fetal medicine) stepped in to deliver Juliet in the breach position. Juliet made her debut at 529pm. These were the longest 9 minutes of my life. I saw Hailey before she was whisked away to the NICU, but as soon as Juliet was born she was whisked away and I were unable to see her. After the doctors were done stitching (very superficial scratches really), I started to get cold. Very cold. They warmed me with heated blankets and moved me back in to my room. I was yearning to see the little girl that had taken so long to come out. I was unable to see her. I was unable to hold them. Being born at 34 weeks they were preemies. The doctors wanted to put be back on the magneasium, I declined. I went against doctors orders, but I wanted to get up. I wanted to see the twins. I wanted to hold the twins. Being laid up for more than 48 hours was not fun. It literally was one of the worst feelings in my life. After a goodnights nap I woke up later on that evening. Finally after a couple hours I was able to get up and move around. They switched me rooms and soon there after Luis was able to take me to the NICU by wheelchair and there were the twins. Still unnamed from the night before. They were known as Twin A and Twin B, just like they were in my tummy. So cute, so little. No one had oxygen, they looked pretty normal, except for their size. The love that you have for someone you’ve never met before, its crazy. The undoubtable love I saw in Luis’s eyes was incredible. He didn’t know I was looking at him, looking at them, but I was. The look that was in his eyes was the look of a proud new father. I know that he will be the best dad ever. I don’t have any doubts in my mind of his capabilities. He is the best man in the world.

The 10 days in the NICU was rough. Going back and forth 15 hours a day, trying to eat, drink plenty of water, and pumping breast milk took a toll on me. I was tired, cranky, and probably mean.  But we got through it.  October 18, 2009 they were able to come home. 

There, finally.  Our journey was complete as a couple.  Now we start our journey as a family.  This journey shall have many bumps along the way but the love between all four of us shall be the light of our path.  I know it sounds cheesy, but when its me and Luis, we can conquor the world.

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