Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The middle of our story

At our early ultrasound (8 weeks) April 21, 2009 we found out that we had twins.  TWINS, really?  Us?  Yes.  It happened.  The clomid did its job plus ONE.  This brings a new light to the abbreviation OMG.  I should have played the lottery that day.  We came out of the appointment looking at each other in awe.  Luis's first words were "thats it! no more!" He was so funny.  He could see the screen, it was out of my eye sight.  Then I saw the screen, 2 little peanuts inside of me, wow.  This is really happening! 
This ultrasound came a week before our 3 year wedding anniversary, what a great present! 
By this time, I hadn't gained any weight, I hadn't had any morning sickness, I was a little more tired than usual, but nothing too unusual. 

June 17, 2009 was my first centering pregnancy appointment.  This is when a group of pregnant people got together with a couple of doctors to talk about their pregnancies and how they were feeling and have a huge question and session to help everyone.  I was the only one expecting twins.  It was an interesting layout for a doctors appointment, all in all very good though. 

June 25, 2009, we are expecting GIRLS! Wow, girls.  Just like Luis dreamed.  He also dreamt that one looked like me (blonde hair and glasses) and one looked like him (dark haired).

July 22, 2009:  Just got back from Virginia, what a road trip that was. My ankles were so swollen from being in the car it was crazy! We got there all in one piece, but our vacation never began. From dividing our time between families, friends, the baby shower, the car repairs, and the actual relaxing we wanted to do we didn’t have any time for ourselves. Sure I see Luis every day, but vacationing with him would have been a great time. We know now, that we won’t be spending another night at my parents’ house, at Ilka’s house, or at Liza’s house. When we go back to Virginia, we will be a family of four; none of these places can accommodate our needs. This is in the best interest for US. The babies shower was really fun. Seeing a lot of our friends and family all in one place was a little crazy, trying to spend time with everyone and thanking everyone for spending their hard earned money on our unborn twins, or even taking time out of their busy Saturday schedule spending a little time with us while we celebrate the coming of our twins. My birthday was great; I still didn’t get a cake. Why is it I never get a cake on my birthday?? I still had fun. Lara took me to get a massage, which was wonderful. Then I met up with Luis at the mall, where we window shopped and Luis bought me a ring symbolizing our twins, of course he purchased 2 pairs of shoes while on vacation, he has become more fashion forward than ever before. Then at night we had dinner at Plaza Azteca, I love that place! Everyone showed up, I loved it...from Lara and Ryan, to Mark and Evisa, my parents, Luis's family, Joe and Ferd, Brandi and Jazi, I felt so special!  And, I LOVE presents!!  Chips and white sauce are STILL my favorite. At the end of our vacation we decided that we needed 3 days to get back to San Antonio, we also decided that we needed some rest and relaxation and decided that Gulf Shores, Alabama would be the perfect place to spend our last mini vacation as non parents. All in all we had a good time away from home. I think we both think that we needed more Gulf Shores, less Virginia, but oh well. Family is family, nothing will ever be uneventful.