Monday, November 30, 2009

ThanksGiving and My Parents Visit

Whoa!  Its been quite a week!  Between my parents visit, thanksgiving, and life in general its been pretty busy.  Its pretty crazy sitting here watching these kids grow.  Just now, as I am uploading pictures watching the girls sleep I can see how much they have changed in the 8 weeks they have been alive!  I just made their 2 month appointment, they get their shots next week, and Juliet has her ultrasound appointment for her hips (its routine because she was a breech baby). 

My parents got here the Friday before last, plenty of time before Thanksgiving, boy, were they smitten with their granddaughters!  The way they interacted with them was really priceless, especially my Dad, for those of you who know my Dad, hes not much for affection, but you guys should have seen his eyes when he met Juliet and Hailey.  Every morning after their feeding he would "exersice" them, too funny to watch, they would do sit ups, push ups, the bicycle, amongst other exersices, too cute.  Since Luis had to work, my parents and I got to visit the outlets!  I love going out there, especially when the weather is great!  It was in the 70s their whole visit!  We went grocery shopping too, for our BIG meal on Thursday and we got our pictures taken at JC Penneys.  All in all it was a busy week!  Thanksgiving went off with out a hitch, complete with turkey, stuffing, and a BUNCH of desserts!  We were in heaven.  The girls got a taste of gravy, they loved it!  I really can't wait until they can eat solid food!  I really cant wait until they can talk and let me know what they want or need! 

Come black friday Luis went out shopping, he picked up some Christmas presents, we are trying to get stuff done early this year!  That afternoon my parents decided to leave to try to beat the traffic of the holiday, the goodbye was sad but we will be making a trip to VA probably April or May, when the weather is warmer there.  We have looked in to packages (air, hotel, car) and the prices are VERY reasonable.  Now that we are a family of 4 none of our families houses can accomodate us, we need SPACE!!  I cannot wait to introduce Hailey and Juliet to my grandparents, I wish my grandparents were in the condition they were 10 years ago, I guess age does take a huge toll on a human body.  All I can ask for is their minds stay fresh and they can finally meet their great grand daughters! 
Well...thats all for now, I will update after the twins 2 month appointment!  

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