Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6, 2009


So today we went to the doctor, the wait for an appointment on Lackland AFB is atrocious!  Within the last 3 or 4 days Juliet has been spitting out her formula, grunting more than usual, and losing interest after about 2 oz of formula per feeding.  The doctor diagnosed my little one with acid reflux!  She has a problem that many grown people have, they gave her baby zantac!  At the first feeding after she had her medicine she was a different baby!  No more grunting, no more loss of interest, and she even ate her 2.5oz of formula with little spitting! 
So, the house is clean, the 2nd bedroom is ready to house my parents who will arrive on the 19th or the 20th, new sheets on the bed, dusted the furniture, and cleaned the guest bathroom!  All the laundry is done and put away, and the upstairs is vacuumed.  Exciting news today, Lara booked her plane ticket!  So excited that she will be here in January for a visit!   

More later, stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Danielle! I am so happy that you started a blog to journal about your journey raising the most beautiful twins!!! I love the picture and so tiny they are. Keep posting and I do read and comment most of the time so I look forward to walking with you on this journey as you continue to view and read my blog as well. Take care Danielle and Luis!!!!
