Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The start of our story

March 5, 2009 changed our lives forever. If no one was aware Luis and I were trying to have a baby. by this time we had been together for almost 6 years and never had touched any sort of birth control. I had surgeries to try to correct the anatomical things wrong with me, had ultrasounds to see if it was even possible to get pregnant. At one point a doctor in Great Falls told us that it probably would be possible but it’s a slim chance of conceiving. We tried and tried but to no avail no pregnancy. We did all the things that were really unromantic, (well I did) timed intercourse, took ovulation tests, secretly prayed to God that maybe one day our wish would come true. For three years, I was secretly sad, sad that I couldn’t make Luis the great father I knew he could be. We fought sometimes and it finally came out, we were fighting because I felt inadequate. I was unable to give my husband a child, a child that I knew he wanted.

We finally got out orders from the Air Force out of Montana, and got to move to Lackland and finally got back in to the swing of things again. I met a doctor at BAMSE (an OBGYN at an Army hospital) and he did some testing but mostly went off of the testing done in Montana. After 5 appointments, poking, prodding, and lots of time off of work, he prescribed me Clomid. Clomid is a drug that helps you ovulate; it was evident by this time that no eggs were dropping during my ovulation time. He prescribed me 5 prescriptions, 5 months of chance, by chance, 5 little pills you take each month, and it’s supposed to make you ovulate. Yes, the chance of multiples was increased, but only by 6 percent. So the months went by, I took the pills, spent money on ovulation tests, and timed intercourse (without Luis knowing). Who wants to kill the romance like that?? So month after month went by, and I had to go back to the doctor each time. Clomid causes cysts on ovaries, so I had to be checked to make sure nothing was developing on the ovaries that weren’t producing eggs. Month after month still not pregnant, then the 3rd month I was a couple days late, so I got my hopes up, of course after getting poked again, it was negative. Then the first couple days of March came along. I felt different. I didn’t feel like the couple days before your period. I didn’t feel real crampy, and then I was a day late. I know a day is nothing.

I went to the doctor. They took some blood and that afternoon, the nurse called me back to give me the news. My blood pregnancy test was POSITIVE. Wow. I never ever in my entire life did I ever think those words were ever going to come out of a nurse’s mouth to me. But she had bad news. My HcG levels were really low, so she wanted me to come back in 2 days to make sure the levels were doubling. The next 48 hours were excruciating. The wait time to make sure some level on some hormone in my blood was doubling. I went back to get poked again, mind you, I have almost no veins they had to try numerous times to get some blood from me. They finally got it. So we waited more. I was waiting for a phone call to see if some level that suggests that you are pregnant has doubled from Tuesday. Finally a phone call came, it stuck. We were pregnant. The last month of this wonder drug, our last chance. If this hadn't worked then we were to go to the infertility clinic, we were already on a waiting list for IVF, but maybe an IUI would have been a better way to go. But we didn't have to. It happened the natural way, well...almost.

Telling Luis was amazing. You should have seen his face. I think he was the happiest man in the world. I never felt so good, because I was finally able to please him. I was able to make his wish come true. But we still had to play it safe. Wow, again, telling Luis the news was really exciting for me. I was again, finally able to tell him that we were expecting a bundle of joy!

We decided as a couple we would keep the news on the down low. We weren’t going to alert the family until we were really sure that this stuck. The days moved on Luis got antsy about our news. We decided to tell our immediate family. It didn’t stop there. If I told my immediate family I had to tell myclose friends…we swore our families to secrecy, just until we got out of the first trimester. Yeah, a lot of good that did, it started. People told others our news, spoiled our news to other people who we were going to tell when we knew everything was OK.

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